"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." -- A. Schwindt

"We must teach our children to dream with their eyes open."
Harry Edwards

"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body."
Elizabeth Stone

"The child must know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn't been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him."
Pablo Casals

"God created boys full of spirit and fun. To explore and conquer, to romp and run."

Monday, February 15, 2010

Birthdays, Antibiotics, and Calories

This weekend was full of them. Ay carumba!

First, Jayden had a rough week... he was complaining that his ear was hurting, but then he'd say "All better!" so we thought he was just kidding around. Then on Thursday night we put him to bed as usual and then a couple hours later he woke up crying and refused to go to bed. He didn't want to lay down at all...and this is pretty uncharacteristic for him. He usually sleeps through the night without problems, but he wasn't complaining about anything so I thought he had a nightmare or something. I went back to bed as I have been struggling with getting sleep lately and Aaron tried to get him back to sleep (which, according to Aaron, took until about 3am). Friday morning comes and I'm getting ready to leave for work and take Jayden to daycare when he again starts grabbing his left ear and saying, "Owwie!!". But then he followed it up with an "All better!". To which Aaron said "He was saying that all of last night too...". I started to think that maybe something was wrong with him, but I was going to keep an eye on him to see how he was doing.

As I was picking him up from daycare that evening (and after I told his DCP about his ear and lack of sleep incident), she said, "So I know why Jayden had a rough night last night and why he was complaining about his ear". Which of course I followed up with a, "Yeah? Why? What happened?". And then she said, "Well, he started whimpering at naptime and kept getting out of his cot, which he never does, so I went over to check on him and he had fluid coming out of his ear". Yellow fluid coming out of his ear... Then I started wondering why, if they have naptime at noon, was I not told until 5pm when there was no guarantee I could get him to a doctor? Was I supposed to let him suffer another night in pain? Luckily, there was a walk-in clinic still open so I rushed him down there. After waiting for like 30 minutes and listening to Jayden scream for pretty much all of them because he wanted chips and I wouldn't let him climb up and down the stairs on the other end of the room, we finally got called back. Doctor told us the obvious, that Jayden had a bad ear infection, but thankfully the fluid was not from a ruptured ear drum. He actually had it in both ears as well as conjunctivitis in his right eye, so he's on oral antibiotics and ear/eye drops. I have a feeling that tubes are in Jayden's future as he gets so many ear infections. :(

Then on Saturday it was "Birthday Day". My niece's 11th birthday was on the 8th and her party was Saturday. My dad's actual birthday was on Saturday as well so we had two parties to go to at practically different ends of the state. Not really, but there was a lot of driving. Go figure we ended up having pizza and cake at both places. NOT good for my diet.

That brings me to the calories part... I swear between 2 birthdays and Valentine's Day (which was a fabulous day... hubby and I had a lovely time with just the two of us. I love him so much!) this weekend I'm surprised I still fit in my clothes. Oh, and then we had my nephew's birthday the week before. 3 birthdays in 2 weeks! Ugh! I tried to be good, but no matter what diet I'm on, I don't think I could ever pass up cake at a birthday party. I just won't do it. Needless to say I'm afraid to know how many calories I've consumed this weekend. It's Monday though, so I'm back on track now and I plan on staying that way... until the next birthday anyway. Which, luckily for me, isn't until March 25th so I have a reprieve for the next 6-ish weeks. I did gain a pound this week because of all of the sweets, but I'm still doing good. Still eating well otherwise and I'm working out multiple times a week.

Speaking of which, I'm off to take a break and go for my daily walk at work. The sun is out and so I'm putting on my tennis shoes!!

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