"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." -- A. Schwindt

"We must teach our children to dream with their eyes open."
Harry Edwards

"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body."
Elizabeth Stone

"The child must know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn't been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him."
Pablo Casals

"God created boys full of spirit and fun. To explore and conquer, to romp and run."

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Quick praise and update!

So, I spoke with Aaron last night after his doctor did an EKG on him and apparently everything is normal. She said he may have been experiencing some heart palpitations, but everything looked normal. And the dizziness is probably due to him standing up too quickly. Praise God for he is good!

Jayden is doing a little better today as well. He still has that horribly mucousy cough and his nose is still runny, but it looks like it's getting slightly better. Now if I could just get him to sleep in his crib all night long now! He goes through phases where he wakes in the middle of the night and will only fall back asleep in bed with us. Poor Aaron can't sleep in the bed with both of us because Jayden tosses and turns too much... he actually kicked Aaron in the face last night! Not to mention I sleep like total crap. How I'm even functioning enough to type this is beyond my knowledge...

I have my appointment tomorrow for Jaxson and I, so we will see what the little man's status is shortly. I also have a massage therapy session tomorrow that I am sooooo looking forward to. I hope it helps with my sciatica as I'm becoming increasingly uncomfortable.

On a side note, Jayden's daycare provider, Vicki, has a new granddaughter. Her daughter, Mellisa (yes, she spells it differently), gave birth to her little girl, Isabella Rae, last night sometime shortly after 8pm. She was 7 lbs. 4oz., but other than that I don't have any details. She's a cutie though!! So congrats to Mellisa and family! The two of us have been commiserating about our pregnancies the last few months. Also, my friend Rachel is due on Sunday to have her little boy, Graham. Poor thing has been placed on bedrest due to preeclampsia and I'm sure she's anxious for it to be all over with as she's told me she's bored out of her mind! I don't blame her as I'd be the same way. It's literally IMPOSSIBLE for me to sit still. I told Aaron if that ever happens to me that he'd better be prepared to buy me LOTS of movies, a laptop, and scrapbooking materials otherwise I'll be up finding things to do.

All these new and impending arrivals are making me so anxious to have my little guy. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE being pregnant (despite hating certain parts of it), but I'm down to the homestretch now and I know I'm so close yet still so far away. It sucks. I'm tired, uncomfortable, and just done. April cannot get here soon enough!! Hurry up April!! Oh well, it's practically February right?? :)

Cheers and God Bless! Happy "hump" day...only 2.5 more days of work until the weekend. Yay!

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