"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." -- A. Schwindt

"We must teach our children to dream with their eyes open."
Harry Edwards

"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body."
Elizabeth Stone

"The child must know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn't been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him."
Pablo Casals

"God created boys full of spirit and fun. To explore and conquer, to romp and run."

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ultrasound & Big Gender Reveal!!

So, we had our 20 week ultrasound last Wednesday. I told the technician that we did want to know the sex, but not to tell us. I came prepared with an envelope to put everything in so it could be sealed up and given to my sister for safekeeping until our gender reveal party that we held last Saturday. Inside the envelope was another envelope for the pictures & video they gave us along with a slip of paper for the technician to mark the gender on.

Anyway, I watched most of the scan with the exception of the parts where I could get a glimpse of gender. Little Sprout was being difficult as he/she wanted to move around the whole time so it took many tries to get just the right angles for the shots they needed. We got to see lots of LS's kidneys, heart, and brain. We were able to get some pictures of LS's face, but I was told that he/she is already head down with the face turned to the side so it was difficult. The good news is that Little Sprout is very healthy and is measuring on track, if not bigger than gestational age. They aren't concerned that some measurements are off as they are less accurate the farther along you are, but it looks like I'm measuring closer to an EDD of February 3rd as a general rule. They are still keeping my date at the 7th though. Baby already has a big head like Daddy (Aaron thought that it was funny that LS's head was measuring a week over my EDD, but me not so much as I have to push it out of my body...). And they were able to capture Little Sprout's mystery genetalia. At that point I got anxious... someone officially knew the sex of my baby and it wasn't me.

All I was sent out with was this...
...and had to wait until Saturday. I was a good girl and didn't peek at all. I wasn't even really all that tempted although the thought of knowing that the answer was two feet from my face for hours before my sister came to pick the envelope up was enough to drive me crazy.

...and I waited. And pondered. Boy or girl? Girl everyone said. I swore we were having a girl. Was my mom's intuition right? Was Jayden's prediction of a "baby sister" right?
Finally Saturday came. The party was not all that I expected. Had I known that people were going to bail last minute, I would have done something smaller. Note to self: IF there is a next time and a next baby, there will not be a reveal party. It was fun to an extent, but I hyped it up so much and was disappointed. At least I found out those who really cared enough to be there. Everyone else can just bite me if they didn't have a reason to show up, or said they would be there and then didn't come. Heck, I could have used the money I'd spent on the party to buy my baby's crib or bedding...or lots of clothes. For those that did show up, it was fun. Even if they came an hour late. We ate food and played baby bingo... which failed miserably but was hilarious.

And then came the moment we all were waiting for... The BIG reveal!! Everyone said girl except my dad. Aaron, Jayden, and I dug into the gender neutral bag to reveal our baby's sex.

Pink or blue?? Well, THIS is what we pulled out...

Yup!!! IT'S A BOY!!! All of those wives' tales and gender predictors were wrong. Everything said girl. The only one that was right on the money was the scientific study about placental placement which can be deciphered at your first scan between 6-8 weeks. It was the only one to say boy (and it was right with my other two as well).

Then my sister said, "Just wait... the cake is even better!". Being the prankster my sister can be at times, Aaron thought that the blue was a joke and the cake was pink for a girl.

No pranks this time. Just one awesome cake from the Monroe Fred Meyer's bakery with our THIRD SON'S face shown to the world. Just awesome. :)

And if that wasn't enough to convince everyone, we pulled out the pictures from the envelope I gave my sister to find these:

The profile shot (also shown on the cake):

His face:

And the "money" shot (and, oh boy, have I seen lots of those in my house):

Yeah, there's no mistaking that. :) I gotta be honest that we were all a bit disappointed even if it didn't show on the outside. Jayden still says he wants a baby sister, I know Aaron wants a girl, and I even cried on Sunday mourning the daughter I'll never have. All is well now though, as I know that God knows better than I do, and I'm very happy and proud that I have yet another healthy little boy to love.

... and who knows, there may be room for a fourth child yet. We haven't decided for sure, and it will be YEARS before we cross that bridge if we do, but this may not be the last of them according to my husband. So there is still a chance to have that one little princess who will be Daddy's little girl, Mommy's best friend, & loved and protected by her THREE older brothers... or we will just have to start our own basketball team with another boy. :)

For now, we are proud to announce the impending arrival of our third prince, Owen Isaiah Andresen.

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