Jaxson has hit two new milestones since my last post: as of Tuesday, March 9th, Jaxson has officially taken his FIRST STEPS!! I have yet to actually get a picture or video of it but hopefully I will soon. He's not full-fledged walking yet, but he's really close. And last Friday (March 12th) his first two "one year molars" came in. My baby is growing up!
Something regarding Jayden... we had him checked at the doctor today for diabetes and things look good so far. When he was born they did a test on him to see if he was a genetic carrier of the type of diabetes you are born with. Both Jayden and Jaxson's tests were negative for it but we were concerned that he might have it because he drinks excessive amounts of fluid. Within a two hour period he'd had 3 full glasses of milk and a full cup each of diluted orange juice and Powerade. He's an active kid and doesn't show any of the potential markers for diabetes other than his excessive thirst, but we still wanted to make sure he didn't have any other deficiencies. The doctors are having us do a urinalysis which should be interesting as we can barely get Jayden to pee in the toilet let alone a cup...
Oh, and speaking of deficiencies: I just found out that I have a Vitamin D deficiency so I have to take a large "booster" supplement once a week for 8 weeks, get my bloodwork done again, and then take a daily supplement after that. Fun...
Anyway, I just wanted to share a few recent pictures of my boys. They just light up my life... :)
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