"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." -- A. Schwindt

"We must teach our children to dream with their eyes open."
Harry Edwards

"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body."
Elizabeth Stone

"The child must know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn't been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him."
Pablo Casals

"God created boys full of spirit and fun. To explore and conquer, to romp and run."

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Early April Fools' Joke?

So... after talking with doctors and nurses galore yesterday about Jayden's "chicken pox", it looks like it may have all been a false alarm. Apparently what I found out is that they couldn't really make a definite decision as to what his diagnosis was... just that the doctor thought chicken pox was "probable" based on three things: he knew he'd had a known exposure, the timing for the incubation period fit, and the symptoms were similar. However, they couldn't be conclusive enough to say he had chicken pox for sure.

Aaron told the doctor at the visit on Monday that he wasn't sure whether or not Jayden had received the vaccine or not (he got it at a year old) and that Jayden was on Amoxicillin at the time for an ear infection. They had us stop the Amoxicillin immediately as well.

I called yesterday because Jayden's marks or "chicken pox" had decreased drastically overnight from the pictures I took two days ago. Even with a mild case of chicken pox, that seems highly unlikely to me that he'd only have the marks for 2 days whether or not he was still considered contagious... so I called to ask some questions. I was receiving conflicting information, bits and pieces, and (to be completely honest) they didn't sound like they really knew exactly what was going on.

Then a while later I received another call from a pediatric nurse there who has 25 years of experience who had been reviewing all the information and wanted to put me at ease. Needless to say that she did. I told her all the background and what I knew from the visit and she told me that all of that doesn't sound like it's chicken pox at all... his symptoms align more with the fact that he has a sensitivity to the Amoxicillin. She asked me how long he'd been on it, how long the rash was there after we took him off the meds, etc. And she said that it all sounds like he had an allergic reaction to the medication and NOT to put him back on it.

So, at this point it looks as if Jayden DID NOT ever have the chicken pox. There is still a very small chance that he did have a very, VERY mild case of the CP, but more than likely what he actually experienced was an allergic reaction that caused him to break out in a hive-like rash all over his body. I also found out that Aaron is allergic to Amoxicillin and I know my dad has a Penicillin allergy, so I'm thinking that maybe it runs in the family?? Amoxicillin allergies are fairly common so it's possible. When I told the nurse he'd been on it before without problems, she told me it didn't matter whether it was the 1st time or 10th time that he'd been exposed as kids can develop allergies to things at any time. They can't do allergy testing on him for this reason either, so now we have to be aware to tell doctors NOT to prescribe Amoxicillin or anything penicillin-based to him.

Furthermore, Aaron and I stripped Jayden down again this morning and I'm happy to say that all of his marks/rash/whatever are gone. There are absolutely no traces that he was ever "sick" with anything. Because of this, he's been given a clean bill of health and is at no further risk to spread anything to anyone...AND he's been cleared to be at the hospital and present for Jaxson's birth. PRAISE GOD! I'm sooo relieved!

There are obviously still some unanswered questions, but nothing that cannot be cleared up with time. They've already made a note in his chart about his reaction to Amoxicillin and they've ordered a test to be administered at his 18 month checkup in June to test his immunity to chicken pox. If it comes back that he's not immune, it will be an indicator that he didn't have it as he would have built up the immunity to it with even a minor exposure. If it does show he's immune, he could have had it but it could also be due to the fact that he's had the first vaccination (he gets the 2nd vaccination around 4-5 years old). So, all in all it looks like good news!

Also, side topic, but it looks like Jaxson is already going to be a "baby model"!! I was approached by a professional photographer out of Redmond (she posted an "ad" on my Babycenter baby forum) looking for Seattle area moms who would be interested in letting her take pictures of their newborn babies under 2 weeks old so she can test out new backgrounds and props. We get a free 2-3 hour session and a couple free prints from it. I checked everything out to make sure it was legit and it is. Her pictures are ADORABLE!!! So, we have a "tentative" appointment for April 18th at 1pm to take Jaxson down to her studio for his complimentary session. She is still looking for more baby models, so if you know of anyone in the Seattle area with a newborn or due to have a baby soon who may be interested in this FREE offer (you do have to pay for any additional prints that you want--- 1 5X7 comes with the offer), please check out her website and blog @ www.babysproutsphoto.com or http://www.carmencphoto.typepad.com/baby_sprouts/

Also, I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow (39 weeks!!) so we will get to see if I've made any progress. My body feels like it's preparing, so it could be any day now... I'm ready to meet my baby boy!! It's also my last day of work before I go out on maternity leave and I'm sooo excited for a mini "vacation". :) Stay tuned for an update...

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to throw this out there, Logan has had SOOOOOOO many ear infections, it's not even funny, and we always have him put on Augmentin, now. Its stronger than Ammox. you may want to request it next time?? For several reasons, they usually use it as a "last resort"...but we had much better results with it than Ammox, and if your lil man is having weird reactions to Ammox, it might be worth requesting Augmentin up front =)

    Just a thought...
