Total weight gain: About 32-33 pounds
How big is baby?: Approximately 6.8 pounds & 19.5 inches... the size of a leek.
Maternity clothes?: Yes... mainly pajamas and the comfortable pants & tee shirts.
Stretch marks?: Same as last week. No change really.
Sleep?: Not too bad. Jaxson's been sleeping through the night mostly, so that means I have too.
Best moment this week?: Just being able to relax at home and not be stressed about possibly going into labor at the office.
Movement?: Same as last week. Lots of head butting and sucker punching. My cervix hurts. :(
Food cravings?: Nothing really. I just eat what is available.
Labor signs?: Yes. Lots of false labor, menstrual cramping, pressure, losing bits of mucus, in the bathroom all the time (your body kinda naturally cleans itself out pre-delivery). Pretty much everything other than labor itself. :(
Belly button in or out? Mostly flat.
What I miss: Not having a miniature human's head in my hoo-ha.
What I'm looking forward to: Just anticipating all the upcoming events... his birth (I'm so excited for my drug-free waterbirth!!), meeting him & seeing who he looks like, our upcoming move & setting up his nursery, etc. I'm excited for the moment where Jayden & Jaxson get to meet him for the first time. I'm also looking forward to us moving onward & upward into a new home and getting settled as a family of five.
Weekly Wisdom: Cherish your kids... there are so many precious moments and memories to be had... even in utero.
Milestone: Not much other than all the organs are fully matured and ready to go... it's just a waiting game at this point!! I've started natural induction methods this week.
No appointment notes yet as I'm still waiting for my next appointment (assuming he's not born today or tomorrow). They will be stripping my membranes on Wednesday though, so I'm excited about that and to see if I've made any more progress from last week. I've tried long walks, nipple stimulation, clary sage oil, bouncing on my Pilates ball, etc. All have given me contractions, but not enough to send me into labor. He's close though... just like I was with Jaxson at this point, I'm just teetering on the edge. It could be any day now.
Today I'm also starting "baby boot camp" with my sister in law. We are going to go walk the mall with the kids tonight after work and then come back to my place where we have an indoor basketball court and she's going to make me do the gauntlet like her sister & best friend did with her when she was pregnant with Alexis. We are going to do sprints, squats, lunges, etc. It sent her into labor within an hour and she had Alexis the next morning, so maybe I'll have the same luck. :)
good luck! I can't wait to see Mr. Owen!