Total weight gain: 30 pounds
How big is baby?: Approximately 6 pounds & 18.5 inches (the size of a Crenshaw melon).
Maternity clothes?: Yeah, and even those are seemingly too small & uncomfortable... wth??!!
Stretch marks?: They look irritated at the tops but don't seem to be stretching.
Stretch marks?: They look irritated at the tops but don't seem to be stretching.
Sleep?: Last night was fantastic, but it varies. I wake up a lot.
Best moment this week?: Lots actually... it was a good & productive week! We have everything ready for Owen's arrival (car seat in car, bassinet & clothes ready, hospital bag packed, etc.) except for buying a few last minute items this weekend. We also found a new apartment complex we like and they have availability for February so we know where our next place & Owen's real first home will be... YAY!
Movement?: Yeah, he moves when he has the room. And it's not so comfortable for me... :(
Food cravings?: Does food in general count as a craving? :) I'm surprised I haven't gained more weight!!
Labor signs?: Yup, some. Some of my contractions are starting to feel like the real deal but they don't last long enough. There's also some other signs I'm having but I'm not as honest as Jenny McCarthy is about the not-so-lovely things of pregnancy. I'll spare you. :)
Belly button in or out?: Flat for the most part. It's not really popping out anywhere.
What I miss: My body. I feel like a beached whale.
What I'm looking forward to: Lots! Owen's birth, moving to our new home & decorating it, finishing Owen's bedding/nursery, getting our cars fixed (bumper of the van, alternator in the Taurus)... oh, and a mini "vacation" from work. :)
Weekly Wisdom: Checklists are awesome... especially when you complete them. I feel so much more prepared & less stressed than even a few weeks ago. Amazing what just a few things can do for getting ready for baby.
Milestone: See my appointment notes below for more details. Biggest one that comes to mind is that I will be full-term (37 weeks) on Monday! Amazing to think he could possibly be here next week! I'm so excited to meet him!! I'm also down to weekly appointments. Oh, and I officially cannot wear my wedding rings anymore since my fingers are too fat now... boo! As far as development, he should be gaining weight at the rate of about an ounce a day & "he's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered his body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected his skin during his nine-month amniotic bath. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, will form the contents of his first bowel movement."
Appointment notes:
I had my 36 week appointment yesterday and it was all pretty standard. I did my Group B Strep test & should have the results of that along with my follow up thyroid bloodwork next week. They talked a little bit about my labor signs and basically just said I need to lay low the next 4 days and I'm fine. Since I will be full term on Monday, they will not stop my labor if he decides to come past that point. The most exciting part of the visit (for me, anyway) was checking my progress. Because of the cramps & contractions, they thought it would be a good idea to see what it's doing to me. I'm currently 3-4 centimeters dilated (she guessed closer to 3cm) and about 70-75% effaced. My cervix is still more posterior than anterior so it still needs to move forward and it's high, but not as high as the last time they checked me. Also, he's at about a -1 presentation which means he's almost fully engaged into my pelvis (aka: he's dropped). It's not necessarily an indicator of anything, but seeing as I went into labor with both Jayden & Jaxson by the time I hit 3cm and 80-90% effaced, it just makes me think that Owen's arrival could be closer than I originally thought. This is the soonest I've ever dilated like that. I'm losing mucus and I'm having a lot of pressure from his head so it really could be anytime... They said my belly was measuring between 38-39 weeks which explains why my clothes aren't fitting and I feel so huge. Oy!!
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