Here they are! Can't wait to see all THREE of my boys in them! :)
Monday, January 24, 2011
Big Brother Tees!
To go along with their brand new big boy/big brother haircuts, I also ordered some really neat shirts for the boys. I started the tradition when Jaxson was born by ordering Big Brother/Baby Brother tees for Jayden & Jaxson to wear. So, now that we are adding another baby to the bunch we needed new shirts...seeing as Jax is no longer going to be the "baby brother".
Here they are! Can't wait to see all THREE of my boys in them! :)

I went onto Etsy and found a local gal who does tees and we ordered matching sock monkey themed Big Brother/Middle Brother/Little Brother shirts. :)
Here they are! Can't wait to see all THREE of my boys in them! :)
38 Weeks
How far along?: 38w0d
Total weight gain: About 32-33 pounds
How big is baby?: Approximately 6.8 pounds & 19.5 inches... the size of a leek.
Maternity clothes?: Yes... mainly pajamas and the comfortable pants & tee shirts.
Stretch marks?: Same as last week. No change really.
Sleep?: Not too bad. Jaxson's been sleeping through the night mostly, so that means I have too.
Best moment this week?: Just being able to relax at home and not be stressed about possibly going into labor at the office.
Movement?: Same as last week. Lots of head butting and sucker punching. My cervix hurts. :(
Food cravings?: Nothing really. I just eat what is available.
Labor signs?: Yes. Lots of false labor, menstrual cramping, pressure, losing bits of mucus, in the bathroom all the time (your body kinda naturally cleans itself out pre-delivery). Pretty much everything other than labor itself. :(
Belly button in or out? Mostly flat.
What I miss: Not having a miniature human's head in my hoo-ha.
What I'm looking forward to: Just anticipating all the upcoming events... his birth (I'm so excited for my drug-free waterbirth!!), meeting him & seeing who he looks like, our upcoming move & setting up his nursery, etc. I'm excited for the moment where Jayden & Jaxson get to meet him for the first time. I'm also looking forward to us moving onward & upward into a new home and getting settled as a family of five.
Weekly Wisdom: Cherish your kids... there are so many precious moments and memories to be had... even in utero.
Milestone: Not much other than all the organs are fully matured and ready to go... it's just a waiting game at this point!! I've started natural induction methods this week.
No appointment notes yet as I'm still waiting for my next appointment (assuming he's not born today or tomorrow). They will be stripping my membranes on Wednesday though, so I'm excited about that and to see if I've made any more progress from last week. I've tried long walks, nipple stimulation, clary sage oil, bouncing on my Pilates ball, etc. All have given me contractions, but not enough to send me into labor. He's close though... just like I was with Jaxson at this point, I'm just teetering on the edge. It could be any day now.
Today I'm also starting "baby boot camp" with my sister in law. We are going to go walk the mall with the kids tonight after work and then come back to my place where we have an indoor basketball court and she's going to make me do the gauntlet like her sister & best friend did with her when she was pregnant with Alexis. We are going to do sprints, squats, lunges, etc. It sent her into labor within an hour and she had Alexis the next morning, so maybe I'll have the same luck. :)
Total weight gain: About 32-33 pounds
How big is baby?: Approximately 6.8 pounds & 19.5 inches... the size of a leek.
Maternity clothes?: Yes... mainly pajamas and the comfortable pants & tee shirts.
Stretch marks?: Same as last week. No change really.
Sleep?: Not too bad. Jaxson's been sleeping through the night mostly, so that means I have too.
Best moment this week?: Just being able to relax at home and not be stressed about possibly going into labor at the office.
Movement?: Same as last week. Lots of head butting and sucker punching. My cervix hurts. :(
Food cravings?: Nothing really. I just eat what is available.
Labor signs?: Yes. Lots of false labor, menstrual cramping, pressure, losing bits of mucus, in the bathroom all the time (your body kinda naturally cleans itself out pre-delivery). Pretty much everything other than labor itself. :(
Belly button in or out? Mostly flat.
What I miss: Not having a miniature human's head in my hoo-ha.
What I'm looking forward to: Just anticipating all the upcoming events... his birth (I'm so excited for my drug-free waterbirth!!), meeting him & seeing who he looks like, our upcoming move & setting up his nursery, etc. I'm excited for the moment where Jayden & Jaxson get to meet him for the first time. I'm also looking forward to us moving onward & upward into a new home and getting settled as a family of five.
Weekly Wisdom: Cherish your kids... there are so many precious moments and memories to be had... even in utero.
Milestone: Not much other than all the organs are fully matured and ready to go... it's just a waiting game at this point!! I've started natural induction methods this week.
No appointment notes yet as I'm still waiting for my next appointment (assuming he's not born today or tomorrow). They will be stripping my membranes on Wednesday though, so I'm excited about that and to see if I've made any more progress from last week. I've tried long walks, nipple stimulation, clary sage oil, bouncing on my Pilates ball, etc. All have given me contractions, but not enough to send me into labor. He's close though... just like I was with Jaxson at this point, I'm just teetering on the edge. It could be any day now.
Today I'm also starting "baby boot camp" with my sister in law. We are going to go walk the mall with the kids tonight after work and then come back to my place where we have an indoor basketball court and she's going to make me do the gauntlet like her sister & best friend did with her when she was pregnant with Alexis. We are going to do sprints, squats, lunges, etc. It sent her into labor within an hour and she had Alexis the next morning, so maybe I'll have the same luck. :)
Cuddles :)
Just some pictures of a recent cuddle session. :) Both boys wanted to lay down with Mommy the other day and so all three of us squeezed on to the tiny loveseat. It was uncomfortable having like 60 pounds of child laying on me, but it was too sweet for me to resist. Daddy decided to join us too. :P 

Big Boy Haircuts!
Jayden is no stranger to haircuts. He's had plenty in his three short years. I blame his daddy for that as he follows in the same footsteps by having hair that grows at an unprecedented rate and therefore it's about a monthly occcurrence in this house... one that Jayden dreads every single time. I mean, he HATES it. He complains about how it itches him and it scares him. I think he's afraid I will cut him. Many tears are shed, lots of screaming & drooling... but by the time he rinses off in the bath, he's a completely different kid and his hair always looks great.

Jaxson on the other hand has never really had his hair cut. He had a small trim back in October, but I've been really reluctant to trim his hair really short. I LOVE his long blond locks. Jaxson has been able to get away with having longer hair whereas Jayden cannot, but lately Jaxson's hair has been getting so long in back that it looked like he was starting to sport a mullet. I'm not a fan of mullets at all, so I knew something that had to be done. I decided a hair cut was in order, but I was still so nervous about it. I want both boys to look perfect for when they meet their brother... what if I screwed it up and then just totally hated his new cut? He looks so cute with long hair... what if he didn't look so cute with short hair? After agonizing over it, I decided to cut it, but I used the longest guard available for the shears. Good thing I did as his hair is thinner than Jayden's so it looks like I took a lot more hair off.
The good news? It looks super cute! My fears were put to rest and he totally looks like a bigger little boy! Definitely a "big brother" haircut. He doesn't look like my little baby anymore, but it's adorable as ever. :) Also, he was a little skeptical of the shears at first, but as soon as Grandma Debbi picked him up, he tucked his head down onto her shoulder and just laid there and let me cut it.
I didn't get before pictures (even though I have many of them) but here are the after pictures of my two big boys with their big boy haircuts... ever so ready to meet their baby brother, Owen, any day now!!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
37 Weeks
How far along?: 37w3d
Total weight gain: About 32 pounds
How big is baby?: Approximately 6.3 pounds & 19 inches... the size of a stalk of Swiss chard.
Maternity clothes?: Yes... that and pajamas since I'm working from home now. Comfort is key. :)
Stretch marks?: Mainly just the old ones being irritated, but it looks like I'm getting one above where my old belly button piercing is.
Sleep?: Eh, okay I guess. Depends on the night really.
Best moment this week?: Being told that I should work from home "just in case". I've been so nervous and uncomfortable at work.
Movement?: He doesn't have much room, but yes. It consists of head butts and sucker punches to my bladder and cervix. It's painful.
Food cravings?: Not that I can think of. I gravitate towards sweets though.
Labor signs?: Yup. Lots of false labor, cramping, & losing bits of my plug. Still only 3cm & 75% though.
Belly button in or out? Mostly flat.
What I miss: Not feeling like I am going to pee or poop my pants & then have nothing come out. Gotta love having no capacity for anything anymore. :( My bladder's like the size of a pea.
What I'm looking forward to: Meeting my son--- duh!!
Weekly Wisdom: I always have a problem thinking of something for this section... must tell you something about me. I'm not wise by nature, lol. To be honest, I have too much other crap on my mind to go into pregnancy musings.
Milestone: I'm officially "full term"!! Owen can come anytime & he should be okay! This also means that I can deliver at the birth center since they won't let you deliver there before 37 weeks due to the baby's prematurity.
Appointment notes:
Not much has changed since last visit. My GBS test came back negative so I won't need antibiotics during labor... yay! I'm still 3cm & 75% but my cervix isn't as posterior & he dropped from a -1 station to a 0 station so he's fully engaged in my pelvis. It sounds like the general consensus is that he will be here next week sometime. I've asked them to strip my membranes at my next visit on the 26th and they agreed. I had Jaxson 2 days after my membranes were stripped with him, so maybe I will have the same luck with Owen. :)
Total weight gain: About 32 pounds
How big is baby?: Approximately 6.3 pounds & 19 inches... the size of a stalk of Swiss chard.
Maternity clothes?: Yes... that and pajamas since I'm working from home now. Comfort is key. :)
Stretch marks?: Mainly just the old ones being irritated, but it looks like I'm getting one above where my old belly button piercing is.
Sleep?: Eh, okay I guess. Depends on the night really.
Best moment this week?: Being told that I should work from home "just in case". I've been so nervous and uncomfortable at work.
Movement?: He doesn't have much room, but yes. It consists of head butts and sucker punches to my bladder and cervix. It's painful.
Food cravings?: Not that I can think of. I gravitate towards sweets though.
Labor signs?: Yup. Lots of false labor, cramping, & losing bits of my plug. Still only 3cm & 75% though.
Belly button in or out? Mostly flat.
What I miss: Not feeling like I am going to pee or poop my pants & then have nothing come out. Gotta love having no capacity for anything anymore. :( My bladder's like the size of a pea.
What I'm looking forward to: Meeting my son--- duh!!
Weekly Wisdom: I always have a problem thinking of something for this section... must tell you something about me. I'm not wise by nature, lol. To be honest, I have too much other crap on my mind to go into pregnancy musings.
Milestone: I'm officially "full term"!! Owen can come anytime & he should be okay! This also means that I can deliver at the birth center since they won't let you deliver there before 37 weeks due to the baby's prematurity.
Appointment notes:
Not much has changed since last visit. My GBS test came back negative so I won't need antibiotics during labor... yay! I'm still 3cm & 75% but my cervix isn't as posterior & he dropped from a -1 station to a 0 station so he's fully engaged in my pelvis. It sounds like the general consensus is that he will be here next week sometime. I've asked them to strip my membranes at my next visit on the 26th and they agreed. I had Jaxson 2 days after my membranes were stripped with him, so maybe I will have the same luck with Owen. :)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Owen's Nursery Bedding
A while back I had posted about ideas for Owen's nursery... boy have things changed! Aaron and I found some bedding on Babies R Us's website that we loved, but they didn't have it in stock and it wasn't in the store. I went to the manufacturer's webpage and still was unable to find it anywhere. It wasn't listed as discontinued but it may as well have been. I put myself on lists to be notified when it came back in stock, which was supposed to be in November, and still nothing. Seeing as we knew that Owen wasn't going to have an actual nursery until our February move, we weren't stressing about it.
FINISHED crib quilt:
Dust ruffle:
...and, for good measure, a picture of the crib that our friends are selling us for his nursery:
Now, it's January and Owen's arrival could be any day now. We have our new apartment lined up and things are starting to come together quite swimmingly. About a month ago, I had pretty much given up on the pirate-themed bedding that we loved so much, and while walking through Jo Ann Fabrics to get some last minute Christmas ornaments on sale, I passed by rows of fabric for baby quilts and got the bright idea to MAKE Owen's bedding instead.
I'm not entirely sewing-savvy or at least enough to feel comfortable taking on this feat by myself (even though I made both my prom dresses back in the day among some other things), so I recruited my mom to help me. A couple weeks ago, I brought up the idea again and found out that they were having a fantastic New Year's sale so my mom and I found ourselves at Jo Ann's again, this time picking out monkey-themed fabric. I am not an avid coupon clipper, but I definitely love a great deal and I picked the PERFECT time to buy everything I needed. The pattern for his bedding, which was usually $16 was on sale... for 99 cents. Yup, 99 cents. I just saved myself $15. Then, all of the fabrics that we needed were on sale for 30% off! And then there was an additional 20% off your entire purchase available at checkout. SCORE!!
We bought enough fabric (which turned out to be more than enough as we have extras now for other nursery-related DIY projects) and the pattern to make his crib quilt, 3 crib sheets, & a dust ruffle (we don't use the fluffy bumpers as we have a baby-safe breathable bumper instead) for a grand total of $86!! The original pirate bedding, just a 4 piece set with a bumper we never would have used, was $160 alone not including the extras so we totally saved! And even better than the savings is knowing that his bedding is unique... no one else will ever have the exact same bedding and the fact that it was made especially for him by his grandma & mom is just something else equally as special.
So, last Saturday my hubby was gracious enough to watch the kids for me ALL DAY( I was over at my mom's for 12 hours) so I could go to my mom's house to work on his bedding. I cut out all of the fabric pieces while my mom pinned them and sewed them. I spent 5 hours alone just cutting out all the pieces on her living room floor...which is not easy when you are 37 weeks pregnant. My back was KILLING me by the end of the night! We didn't quite finish everything that night, but my mom was gracious enough to spend some time on Sunday & Monday finishing up what we didn't get through.
It turned out so nice and I'm super excited to put together his nursery when we move to our new place in mid February. Once we move, we still will have some painting to do along with A LOT of DIY projects (Not just for the nursery, but for the entire place as well), so I won't be able to post pictures of the finished nursery for at least another month, but for now here are the pictures of his bedding!!
Crib sheets:
Unfinished crib quilt (my mom tacked the layers together & added the finishing ribbon later):
FINISHED crib quilt:
Dust ruffle:
...and, for good measure, a picture of the crib that our friends are selling us for his nursery:

Monday, January 17, 2011
I'm so DONE!!
As of today, I'm officially 37 weeks which means that Baby Owen is "full term" (if you go off of my dates & ultrasound dates, I technically should be like 37w3d or 37w4d, but whatever...).
While I'm not necessarily wishing that my baby be born now since I know it's better for him to cook as long as possible, can I just say that I'm done? My body is just done. I'm supposed to work this week, but being in the office is like torture. Here I am sitting in my very uncomfortable desk chair alternating between that and the birthing ball & getting NO relief. Because he's completely dropped now, I can't even wear my maternity pants comfortably because they apply too much pressure so I have them completely unzipped and my shoes off because my feet hurt like hell... heaven forbid I have to get up when someone comes to my desk. What am I supposed to say? "Um, excuse me for a minute while I zip up my pants & put my shoes back on". I can't walk down the hallway without waddling & being punched in the cervix. I'm EXHAUSTED. I'm having hot flashes. My back hurts & my ass hurts. Even my legs.
What I wouldn't give right now to be curled up at home in my pajamas working from my laptop. I keep telling myself that I just need to make it until Friday and then I don't care if he decides to come or not because at least I will be in the comfort of my own home and in way more comfortable clothes if something does happen. But it's Monday...and Friday seems decades away. You know it's bad when you are sitting here at 3cm dilated & 75% effaced and you are so nervous to be at work thinking it could happen anytime so you pack an emergency bag with a spare change of clothes, a towel, maxi pads, & Chux pads (you know the little "piddle pads" for dogs) just in case of an "emergency" aka my water breaking in my office chair. You know it's bad when almost every single person you come into contact with has some quip or comment about your status like, "You are still here??" or "You don't look like you are going to last the week!" or something about how I'm on the verge of having the baby as I'm waddling my ass to the bathroom for the 50th time since 8:00. I see the looks and it just confirms my own worry... "What the hell am I still doing here?". I made it up to a week of each baby's birth with no problems, but why am I, at 37 weeks, so damn DONE with this baby when I wasn't with the others? Does it mean that his arrival is sooner than I anticipate. I don't know.
All I know is I'm feeling really tired and bitchy today. I want my freaking pajamas and a blanket... screw corporate policy. Blech. I'm just so done...
While I'm not necessarily wishing that my baby be born now since I know it's better for him to cook as long as possible, can I just say that I'm done? My body is just done. I'm supposed to work this week, but being in the office is like torture. Here I am sitting in my very uncomfortable desk chair alternating between that and the birthing ball & getting NO relief. Because he's completely dropped now, I can't even wear my maternity pants comfortably because they apply too much pressure so I have them completely unzipped and my shoes off because my feet hurt like hell... heaven forbid I have to get up when someone comes to my desk. What am I supposed to say? "Um, excuse me for a minute while I zip up my pants & put my shoes back on". I can't walk down the hallway without waddling & being punched in the cervix. I'm EXHAUSTED. I'm having hot flashes. My back hurts & my ass hurts. Even my legs.
What I wouldn't give right now to be curled up at home in my pajamas working from my laptop. I keep telling myself that I just need to make it until Friday and then I don't care if he decides to come or not because at least I will be in the comfort of my own home and in way more comfortable clothes if something does happen. But it's Monday...and Friday seems decades away. You know it's bad when you are sitting here at 3cm dilated & 75% effaced and you are so nervous to be at work thinking it could happen anytime so you pack an emergency bag with a spare change of clothes, a towel, maxi pads, & Chux pads (you know the little "piddle pads" for dogs) just in case of an "emergency" aka my water breaking in my office chair. You know it's bad when almost every single person you come into contact with has some quip or comment about your status like, "You are still here??" or "You don't look like you are going to last the week!" or something about how I'm on the verge of having the baby as I'm waddling my ass to the bathroom for the 50th time since 8:00. I see the looks and it just confirms my own worry... "What the hell am I still doing here?". I made it up to a week of each baby's birth with no problems, but why am I, at 37 weeks, so damn DONE with this baby when I wasn't with the others? Does it mean that his arrival is sooner than I anticipate. I don't know.
All I know is I'm feeling really tired and bitchy today. I want my freaking pajamas and a blanket... screw corporate policy. Blech. I'm just so done...
Thursday, January 13, 2011
36 Weeks
How far along?: 36w3d
Total weight gain: 30 pounds
How big is baby?: Approximately 6 pounds & 18.5 inches (the size of a Crenshaw melon).
Maternity clothes?: Yeah, and even those are seemingly too small & uncomfortable... wth??!!
Stretch marks?: They look irritated at the tops but don't seem to be stretching.
Stretch marks?: They look irritated at the tops but don't seem to be stretching.
Sleep?: Last night was fantastic, but it varies. I wake up a lot.
Best moment this week?: Lots actually... it was a good & productive week! We have everything ready for Owen's arrival (car seat in car, bassinet & clothes ready, hospital bag packed, etc.) except for buying a few last minute items this weekend. We also found a new apartment complex we like and they have availability for February so we know where our next place & Owen's real first home will be... YAY!
Movement?: Yeah, he moves when he has the room. And it's not so comfortable for me... :(
Food cravings?: Does food in general count as a craving? :) I'm surprised I haven't gained more weight!!
Labor signs?: Yup, some. Some of my contractions are starting to feel like the real deal but they don't last long enough. There's also some other signs I'm having but I'm not as honest as Jenny McCarthy is about the not-so-lovely things of pregnancy. I'll spare you. :)
Belly button in or out?: Flat for the most part. It's not really popping out anywhere.
What I miss: My body. I feel like a beached whale.
What I'm looking forward to: Lots! Owen's birth, moving to our new home & decorating it, finishing Owen's bedding/nursery, getting our cars fixed (bumper of the van, alternator in the Taurus)... oh, and a mini "vacation" from work. :)
Weekly Wisdom: Checklists are awesome... especially when you complete them. I feel so much more prepared & less stressed than even a few weeks ago. Amazing what just a few things can do for getting ready for baby.
Milestone: See my appointment notes below for more details. Biggest one that comes to mind is that I will be full-term (37 weeks) on Monday! Amazing to think he could possibly be here next week! I'm so excited to meet him!! I'm also down to weekly appointments. Oh, and I officially cannot wear my wedding rings anymore since my fingers are too fat now... boo! As far as development, he should be gaining weight at the rate of about an ounce a day & "he's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered his body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected his skin during his nine-month amniotic bath. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, will form the contents of his first bowel movement."
Appointment notes:
I had my 36 week appointment yesterday and it was all pretty standard. I did my Group B Strep test & should have the results of that along with my follow up thyroid bloodwork next week. They talked a little bit about my labor signs and basically just said I need to lay low the next 4 days and I'm fine. Since I will be full term on Monday, they will not stop my labor if he decides to come past that point. The most exciting part of the visit (for me, anyway) was checking my progress. Because of the cramps & contractions, they thought it would be a good idea to see what it's doing to me. I'm currently 3-4 centimeters dilated (she guessed closer to 3cm) and about 70-75% effaced. My cervix is still more posterior than anterior so it still needs to move forward and it's high, but not as high as the last time they checked me. Also, he's at about a -1 presentation which means he's almost fully engaged into my pelvis (aka: he's dropped). It's not necessarily an indicator of anything, but seeing as I went into labor with both Jayden & Jaxson by the time I hit 3cm and 80-90% effaced, it just makes me think that Owen's arrival could be closer than I originally thought. This is the soonest I've ever dilated like that. I'm losing mucus and I'm having a lot of pressure from his head so it really could be anytime... They said my belly was measuring between 38-39 weeks which explains why my clothes aren't fitting and I feel so huge. Oy!!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Owen's Maternity Photos
We had our maternity pictures done on Saturday. I had to keep up the tradition of getting them done for Owen just as we had them done for the other boys and I've been running short on time lately. Luckily it didn't snow as the forecast said it would, so we had no problems in getting to the studio to have them done. Actually getting them taken is a completely different story, though. The boys are GREAT about taking pictures at home... they love the digital camera and are more than willing to stop what they are doing, look at the camera, and make cheesy faces. In fact sometimes they beg me to take their pictures... but put them in a setting where they have to behave & pose and you come out with a different result. Every professional picture session turns into a nightmare--- sure, we come out with some good pictures in ways that we hadn't previously expected, but getting to the end result leaves us with doubt that we will get good shots.

Both boys were cranky & uncooperative and just wanted to run around in circles and jump all over the backdrops repeatedly even after we told them to behave like something other than apes. Getting Jaxson to hold still was a chore and, of course, the couple moments that he did want to pose, Jayden wanted to run around and not listen, so we didn't really get pictures with both of them together. :( We got some pictures, most of which Jaxson cried through, and while they will make for good stories later I'm still holding out hope that one of these days I can get all my kids to sit down at once and take a picture with all smiles. Ha! Anyway, here are our favorites...
The whole family. Oddly enough, my belly looks really small despite the fact I feel huge for 36 weeks. Anyway, this was the best shot we could get... and you can tell Jaxson was NOT happy about sitting still for even a second.
Now this one is hilarious... The truth behind this picture is that Jayden's upset because Dad yelled at him to stop running around the expensive equipment and Jaxson's mad that he has to pose for a picture. The running joke & story we will tell?? Apparently, they just don't want a little brother. Ha! I can just see the captions for this one... "Can you take him back, Mom? We don't want him to come & play!!" or "But we wanted a little SISTER!!". Classic photo... and I'm just smiling through the chaos. :)
The only kissy picture we got. Jayden is very proud of his big brother status and loves to give Baby Owen kisses. He actually asked me the other day, out of the blue, if he could give me a hug and kiss... then proceeded to ask if it was okay to give Baby Owen a hug and kiss too. Rambunctious and aggressive as this one can be, he's also very much the loving, doting, & caring big brother. :)
Me: "Where's Baby Owen??" Jayden: "Right there, Mom!"
This is the ONLY picture we could get of Jaxson standing remotely close to the belly on his own accord. He wouldn't kiss or touch the belly even though he does it no problem at home. He did proudly stand there with his "cheese!" face and it was too hilarious for us not to get a copy of. How he contorts his mouth like that, I just don't know...
Picture of the hubs and I... it doesn't scream "maternity" as he's not really doing anything with the belly that you can see, but it turned out to be a cute one of the both of us nonetheless.
Posing with the wall letters for his room. I thought this was cool to incorporate his name into one of the pictures... and I think it will be a great addition to put in his nursery. :)
I'd been looking for a reason to wear this dress again (it was my wedding dress) and the red seemed fitting as Owen is due in February and is therefore our (early) Valentine. :) The first picture is my favorite.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
The Miscellaneous Ramblings of a Pregnant Woman
I didn't really do the typical "New Year" post where I reflected on the year that passed and focused on what is to come in the New Year, resolutions (which I don't ever do because I never stick to them), etc. This is the closest I'll get to a New Year post for 2011 since it does contain a checklist of sorts... mostly just the random thoughts that have been pouring in and out of my brain since the New Year started. So here it goes...
When I first started thinking about writing this post about a week ago, I have to admit that I was in a completely different frame of mind than I am now after putting this post on hold. To be honest, I was a basket case... and now that I've had some time to sort myself out, I'm in a better state of mind and can clearly reflect and move forward. Very indicative of a "New Year" type of post, right? So, call this a "stream of consciousness" if you will as really there's no order to it and I'm just going to type about the things that pop into my head.
Once 2011 rolled around, I have to admit that I had a "holy shit!" moment. Not just because it's a new year, which in the most immediate future that means a new baby for our family, but because it's January... and as I've noted before, January could easily be Owen's birth month. Not to mention, that in addition to our new addition, we have a big move coming up and with that means a lot of leg work. January has so far proven to be a very goal-driven month chock full of prep work in the small amount of time we have spent in this month and, to be quite honest, it's made me a little crazy. If there's one thing I know to be true, it's this: There are 2 very big and very special occasions (and the time leading up to those occasions) in a woman's life where she is "allowed" to be a stressed-out, bitchy, hormonal wreck of a person without needing to worry facing massive recourse or being labeled a complete diva or psycho: her wedding day & the birth(s) of her child(ren). While I'm fairly certain I escaped the "bridezilla" label on my wedding day as it was very simple & relaxed (yay for courthouse weddings!), both my husband and I can attest to me being a "preggozilla" as of late. I call it nesting, however my husband would tend to disagree... he cringes at the mere mention of the word and huffs out in a tone laden with major scoffing, "Why do they call it nesting?? It's stupid... you're not a bird.". Call it what you will (I call it pregnancy hormones), but I've had my moments where I'm close to being certifiably crazy and I feel terrible not only because I'm fully aware that I'm being semi-ridiculous and making a mountain from a molehill, but mostly because even though I know that these feelings are all "normal" I hate the fact that I cannot control them... and that it not only affects me, but those around me. I'm a partial control freak... but it's just my Type A, organized, don't-wait-til-the-last-minute-or-do-anything-half-assed personality. Reminds me of the movie, "Knocked Up" where Katherine Heigl kicks Seth Rogen out of the car in the middle of the road for something really stupid and he shows up later to her doctor's appointment and says "Fuck you, hormones! You are a bitch, hormones!". Pretty much sums it up. I wish I could tell my hormones to take a hike. I mean, I literally spent Tuesday at my desk bawling over stuff that I couldn't control...and I felt like a prize idiot even though I simply couldn't help myself.
What has brought all of this on? What did I make into such a big deal? Enter the checklist; the chatterbox of thoughts my brain has become lately.
1. Prepare for baby--- there are many steps to this process, but the main ones include: set up bassinet, get car seat in car, pack hospital bag, buy last minute items, pull clothes our of storage to wash, fold, and put in bassinet's storage, get maternity pictures, make last minute calls for clarification on Owen's hearing test & other newborn tests as well as circumcision, & make a plan for daycare for the boys during labor.
2. Go apartment hunting--- we need to secure an apartment that both Aaron and I like by the end of the month for a mid-February move.
3. Finish last minute baby projects--- Make Owen's crib bedding & wall letters (which I did finish and pictures will follow at bottom of post)
4. Finances/maternity leave--- how long can we afford for me to be out? Will we have enough money between Aaron's income, my short term disability, savings, and our tax return to cover all our expenses & still have money to move into our new place & get some needed furniture & items for baby & the new apartment? What will daycare be like since Nana Joan will likely be out around the same time as me for her knee replacement surgery? When will she recover? Since I most likely cannot return to work until her recovery is done, it throws a lot up in the air.
5. Weather concerns--- Thanks to us living in the "convergent zone", we have a tendency to get just cold enough temperatures to turn the decent amount of rain we get into snow. Then when it's warm enough not to snow but not warm enough to melt, all the residual stuff on the roads turns to ice & stays that way for weeks. Given that we have hills around here and no one seems to know how to properly sand them, it makes for a hell of a time to do anything that requires travel. With all the above said prep needing to take place before Owen's (hopeful) arrival at the end of this month and with weekends being the only time Aaron and I have to do this stuff, I was majorly stressing about the possibility of being stuck at home with no way to get out to accomplish these things. Luckily, the weather people are (hopefully) full of shit, and the original forecast of snow, snow, and more snow over the next two weeks has been converted to a forecast of rain, rain, and more rain due to the rising temperatures. Let's hope that this forecast is more accurate than the original one. I can deal with rain and temps in the 40's. 30's and 20's? Not so much... and especially when I have much needed weekly midwife appointments on the horizon.
Which brings me to my next thought as if all the others weren't enough to confuse you. So, I have officially been placed on "pelvic rest". This means no sex, minimal bending & lifting, and lots of relaxation. I've been having some signs of pre-term labor (I'll find out on the 12th if it's causing changes to my cervix) and since I'm not quite full term, they want me to "take it easy". Hahahahahaha... are they aware that I have two young children at home? It's much easier said than done, trust me. I've also been given the clearance for warm baths and a nightly glass of wine. I'm not a wine drinker, and especially not a red wine drinker, but I'm tempted to see if it really helps me relax. I might have to try it on Monday night while I curl up and watch "The Bachelor". :)
So, it's been a rough few weeks for me both physically and emotionally as of late. And I'm sure there are a quite a few more ahead, but I suppose that just comes with the territory of preparing for a baby, having a baby, dealing with a new baby in the house with other children, and then moving apartments. I'm tired and uncomfortable from contracting and feeling as huge as a house, not sleeping well due to massive heartburn & indigestion, numb sides, and a toddler refusing bedtime, not to mention that Owen has dropped and his head is firmly balanced on my cervix (which he likes to sucker punch)... in addition to all the thoughts circling in my brain, I'm pretty sure that's enough to make anyone completely imbalanced. I guess I just have to pace myself and bask in the momentary lulls that come from achieving the smaller goals. I know for each item on my checklist that I complete, I will feel that much more prepared and therefore not as much of a crazy, hormonal pregnant woman. So here's to itty bitty baby steps... first mine, and then Owen's. :) Oh, how I can't wait to meet him (and not just because I'm tired of being pregnant, although I'm sure that's a completely valid reason at this stage).
Aren't you glad you decided to read this blog & take a glimpse into my brain? If you are spinning in circles then now you know what it's like to be in the shoes of a very hormonal & very pregnant woman and this entry has served it's purpose... and for that I'm sorry. Ha!
Oh, and as promised, here are the pictures of two things I was able to complete: buying the fabric to make Owen's bedding (we were going to do a pirate theme but just couldn't locate the bedding to buy anywhere, so now we are going with a homemade monkey theme) & making his wall letters.
Above: My mom and I will be tag-teaming on his bedding over the next few weekends. We bought an assortment of fabric to make 3 crib sheets, the dust ruffle, & the quilt. We will use a breathable, baby-safe bumper so we aren't making a padded bumper to match. In the future, I may buy more accent fabrics to make his valance, curtains, & basket covers for his nursery. I have to admit I feel awesome about this... they were having a New Year's sale, so we got all the fabric at 30% off and the pattern which was normally $16 was only 99 cents!! The bedding that we were going to buy not including all the extras we were going to buy was $170 alone, but we got everything we needed for his bedding for a whopping total of $86!! Score!!
Below: Wall letters. They were pre-cut, white painted letters. I just added the stripes & polka dot in the accent colors to match his bedding. I think they turned out pretty good, don't you?
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
35 Weeks
How far along?: 35w2d
Total weight gain: 29 pounds... boo!
How big is baby?: BBC says about the size of a honeydew or 5.25 pounds & over 18 inches long.
Maternity clothes?: Yes, and even some of my maternity pants are terribly uncomfortable. I think that he's dropping by the week which makes it worse. :(
Stretch marks?: No change since last week even though my belly feels like it's being stretched to the max.
Sleep?: Depends on the night, but it sucks for the most part. I just deal with it.
Best moment this week?: My girls' day out & shopping for material for Owen's bedding as well as finishing his wall letters.
Movement?: Still moving, but it's difficult for him and his bony body parts hurt like hell. There's no more room!!
Food cravings?: Nothing particular. My appetite has grown in recent weeks so I just eat. Ha!
Labor signs?: None that I can tell other than the usual Braxton Hicks & occasional real ones. I know I'm getting closer though... I can feel it!
Belly button in or out?: Flat. The top part of it sometimes pops out though.
What I miss: Not having heartburn with every meal and having my belly feel like it's being torn to shreds. Ugh, I'm so uncomfortable these days. :(
What I'm looking forward to: Getting our ducks in a row... finding an apartment & moving to our new place and making it "home" for all my boys. Also, not being pregnant anymore so I can start dieting & working out. I've got at least 50 pounds to lose!!
Weekly Wisdom: Sleep is golden. Too bad you don't get much while pregnant and/or with young kids in the house. :( Therefore you should take as much time to rest as possible when you can!!
Milestone: This could easily be Owen's birth month... eek!! Developmentally, his kidneys are fully functional and his liver is able to process waste. Most of his basic physical development is complete & he'll spend the next few weeks just putting on weight.
Total weight gain: 29 pounds... boo!
How big is baby?: BBC says about the size of a honeydew or 5.25 pounds & over 18 inches long.
Maternity clothes?: Yes, and even some of my maternity pants are terribly uncomfortable. I think that he's dropping by the week which makes it worse. :(
Stretch marks?: No change since last week even though my belly feels like it's being stretched to the max.
Sleep?: Depends on the night, but it sucks for the most part. I just deal with it.
Best moment this week?: My girls' day out & shopping for material for Owen's bedding as well as finishing his wall letters.
Movement?: Still moving, but it's difficult for him and his bony body parts hurt like hell. There's no more room!!
Food cravings?: Nothing particular. My appetite has grown in recent weeks so I just eat. Ha!
Labor signs?: None that I can tell other than the usual Braxton Hicks & occasional real ones. I know I'm getting closer though... I can feel it!
Belly button in or out?: Flat. The top part of it sometimes pops out though.
What I miss: Not having heartburn with every meal and having my belly feel like it's being torn to shreds. Ugh, I'm so uncomfortable these days. :(
What I'm looking forward to: Getting our ducks in a row... finding an apartment & moving to our new place and making it "home" for all my boys. Also, not being pregnant anymore so I can start dieting & working out. I've got at least 50 pounds to lose!!
Weekly Wisdom: Sleep is golden. Too bad you don't get much while pregnant and/or with young kids in the house. :( Therefore you should take as much time to rest as possible when you can!!
Milestone: This could easily be Owen's birth month... eek!! Developmentally, his kidneys are fully functional and his liver is able to process waste. Most of his basic physical development is complete & he'll spend the next few weeks just putting on weight.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Girls Day Out
As part of my mom's Christmas present to my sister & I, we both got complimentary pedicures at Casabella Spa & Nail down by my place on New Year's Eve. With me being terribly uncomfortable and extremely pregnant (along with everything that comes with it) I definitely needed a day to myself sans hubby or kids. Aaron was gracious enough to watch the boys all day for me so I could have a break and hang out with my best friends and favorite lady relatives: my mom, sister, and aunt.
The day started off with a trip to Starbucks before heading out to my mom's place where she colored my hair. A couple months ago, I had my sister put blond highlights in my hair because, at the time, I needed a change and wanted a new look but with Owen's arrival coming soon & our maternity pictures coming, I decided I needed another change and that I actually really like having my hair darker now that I'm older moreso than having it lighter, so I decided to go back to my dark roots & have my hair cut.
Then we got dolled up and went out to lunch at Red Robin where we met up with my sister & aunt. My mom and I split my favorite meal at Red Robin: the Whiskey River BBQ Chicken Wrap. After finishing our meal, we all simultaneously pulled out our chapstick/lipstick to reapply and my aunt started laughing about how we must be related. You really would have had to be there to understand the comedy behind this, but it led to us emptying out our purses and we all had a plethora of lipsticks, pens, and miscellaneous items. It had us all in an uproar because we had no idea that we were all so similar... even down to having the same color of lipstick or what not. My sister at one point was like, "I bet you don't have one of these in your purse..." and pulled out a Matchbox car belonging to my nephew. And I was like, "No, I don't have a car, but I do have these..." as I pulled out Jayden's toy motorcycle and Thomas the Train figures. More laughter ensued. Can you tell we are both moms to young boys? Like I said, you'd have had to have been there to understand, but it was really funny.
Then after our meal we headed over to the theater to watch Little Fockers, which was pretty cute by the way. Lastly, we capped off the night with our trip to the spa/nail salon for pedicures. Can I just say that pedicures are easily one of my favorite things ever? I love having my feet massaged and being totally pampered. Again, my mom, sister, and I are absolutely related... we all had to get sparkles on our toes. In fact, my mom liked the sparkles I picked out so much that she ended up using the same ones on her toes. Aren't I just a trendsetter?? :)
Here are some pictures from our day together... All I know is that I have to do this more often because I really had a fun day. :)

Our Last Christmas Adventure
I was really delayed having the boys open their stockings this year. To be honest, in the hustle and bustle of our Christmas festivities, Aaron and I just completely forgot about them. We kept saying we'd let them open them and then we'd get sidetracked, so after the new year rolled around, I was more than ready to take down our Christmas stuff and free up wall space for more family pictures and make room in the living room for the plethora of toys that our boys have.

Since I had to take everything down anyway, it seemed like a good time to have them rummage through their stockings so we sat them down and let them have at it. There wasn't much in them and it was all candy & goodies anyway, but they had fun "reliving" some of the Christmas unwrapping festivities.
Here are some pictures!
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