First up are pictures that I took a few weeks back of the boys during bath time. Their new favorite thing is the bubble bath. Everytime they see bubbles in the bathtub they get absolutely giddy with excitement and squeal, "BUBBLES!!!" and then proceed to eat them or put them on their faces to create a Santa-like beard and mustache.
Next up are Jayden's annual preschool pictures. I was thinking of using these as his 3 year pictures as well, but I may get a few shots later this month as we will be doing Owen's professional belly shots either this month or very early next. Jaxson also happened to be at daycare/preschool with Jayden on this year's picture day due to a last minute hiccup with our daycare situation so they also took one picture of the two boys together. I cannot tell if I like it or not as Jax has his mouth halfway open. It's kinda cute in a funny way. :)

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