We left to meet up with my dad on Friday morning to drive over there. Jaxson had it in his head that he was going to be the one driving and refused to give up the driver's seat to Mommy. His new obsession is "beep beep" or driving and pressing the horn. As an almost "terrible two", he's definitely asserting some independence and will absolutely let you know when he doesn't agree with you... which he did when I promptly removed him from the driver's seat and made him sit securely strapped in his car seat in the back. I know... I'm such a bad mommy. Shame on me for being such a killjoy. :)
After a quick meet-up with my dad and family at their house in Sammamish, we set off for Leavenworth. The passes were great and, even though there was snow in the mountains, the roads were clear so my chionophobia (fear of snow... or just driving in it) was alleviated for the time being. Traveling with two small kids is just crazy, mind you. Both times (there and back) our drive cut into nap time, which Jayden promptly refused to do, and Jaxson screamed when he wasn't sleeping. Then Jayden wanted to talk (ahem, whisper) to us the whole time and couldn't understand why we wouldn't answer him (we couldn't hear what he was saying half the time) for like 2-3 hours straight. Makes for an interesting "soundtrack" between the two. In addition to my terrible sciatica which then leaves me stiff & numb from the waist down... I cannot tell you how glad I was to get out of the car.
Once we got in to town, we checked into Mrs. Anderson's Lodge Bed & Breakfast (the oldest standing building in Leavenworth). After a room mixup (they expected all 4 of us to fit in a queen bed...ha!) we were moved into Room 5 which gave us a lot more room to move around.
After settling in with our luggage, the kids automatically wanted to go play in the snow, so off to the "sledding hill" we went. This, my readers & friends, is where we spent most of our holiday. Jayden lived on this hill along with my two younger brothers and his dad (who is pretty much a big kid himself). Jaxson went down a few times, but was more of an observer... and then he wanted to run around in the gazebo.
Then we went back to the B&B to warm the boys up with some hot cocoa and they had fun running around in our room and jumping on the bed. Soon after, the crankies set in and since Jayden hadn't had a nap and Jaxson only had a short one, we tried to get the boys to sleep a little early. Ha! It took me 3-4 hours to get Jaxson to sleep that first night. He was overtired, overstimulated, and in an unfamiliar place. We all took turns trying to calm him down unsuccessfully, and he finally crashed after I was at my wit's end around 9:00pm. Then, because of his recent bout of night terrors, he would scream and cry in his sleep every hour until about 7 or 8 the next morning.
Saturday was a day of a lot more sledding & some overpriced shopping. We stopped at the Taffy Shop to get some fabulous salt water taffy & also walked out with some expensive toy laser guns for the boys to annoy everyone at the B&B with (they did come in handy at bedtime with Jayden as he's afraid of the dark and thinks monsters are out to get him--- now he can protect himself and "get" the monsters with his gun. Boys.).
Needless to say that Aaron and I didn't get much sleep the entire time and we were cranky with each other and wondered how in the hell we were insane enough to think that a vacation with two small kids with agendas of their own was even a remote possibility. In the end it was worth it because the boys had fun, but it makes us rethink whether or not we want to press our luck in the near future.
On Sunday morning, we got up and had bagels, juice, & cereal for breakfast downstairs. The boys asked just once more to go outside to the sledding hill to play. Before making our way there, they were entranced by the icicles (which they promptly named "ice swords") and had to carry one. So after packing up & checking out, with their ice swords in hand we made our way to the sledding hill to play before saying our final farewells to family and friends and heading back home.
Home. Oh boy, I don't think Aaron and I have ever been so happy to be back in familiar territory! It was the most fabulous feeling to be able to turn on the heat and curl up on my own couch. Despite the pure chaos of vacationing with small kids, it was still a fun (and expensive!-- just ask Aaron about his $15 nachos!!) vacation. I can only hope the next one will be smoother and sleep-filled so I don't feel like a pregnant zombie.
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