"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." -- A. Schwindt

"We must teach our children to dream with their eyes open."
Harry Edwards

"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body."
Elizabeth Stone

"The child must know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn't been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him."
Pablo Casals

"God created boys full of spirit and fun. To explore and conquer, to romp and run."

Thursday, May 27, 2010

What's going on with me?

I'm giving you a fair warning that there may be some TMI encapsulated in this stream of consciousness, so if you don't like reading about womanly tidbits I'd turn away here...

Ok, so here's my shtick: This is my first real cycle of charting & NFP. I did chart on FertilityFriend (FF) for the two cycles prior just so I could get an idea of what I was supposed to be doing and what to look for, but I was on BC those two months so it wasn't really the same. Anyway...

So, my cycles are usually 28 days. I started that lovely womanly time back in 6th grade. I was 11. From 11 to about 16 (when I first started using BC) my cycles were 30-35 days. From 16 on, even including the times I wasn't on BC, my cycles were 28 days. Sure, I might have had maybe one cycle a year that differed by a day or two, but nothing past 30 days. I've only ever skipped a period 3 times... and 2 of those times I was pregnant.

Well, I've been off birth control for about a month and a half and this is my first cycle completely BC free. I'm now at 31 days. Even on the months where I had gotten off BC, I still had regular cycles so this is just not like me. The information on my chart shows I ovulated on CD 12. Aaron and I waited 6 days past when I supposedly ovulated before being intimate since my "fertile window" should have been long gone. Everything shows that I should be on AF right now... and she's nowhere in sight.

I took a pregnancy test yesterday afternoon and it was negative. So what is wrong with me? Is my body still adjusting to being off birth control? Did I ovulate later which means I could possibly be pregnant? All signs point to me not being PG but where is AF? Then I have thoughts swirling through my head about wondering if the different kinds of birth control messed with my fertility. I know that's a long shot, but seeing how my sister had difficulty getting pregnant after her 2nd and after birth control, it's made me wonder if I'm not immune from that too. I know I just need to chill and not let it stress me out but it's driving me nuts not knowing either way what is going on with me.

My hope is that this is some freak, rogue cycle and that once I get AF again my body will stabilize and my charting will be pinpointed more...and thus more reliable. I hope that everything is okay with my fertility, that I AM ovulating still, and that I'm not pregnant right now. Don't get me wrong, Aaron and I would LOVE another child and we are trying to patiently count down the next 6 months, but getting pregnant right now would not be a good idea. My parents and sister would probably die, and honestly, I think Aaron would be pretty upset. I'd be scared, too. We are not yet in a position to have another one yet. We are well on our way to getting our ducks in a row, but an unplanned pregnancy would completely derail us.

So, I'm going in this afternoon for some routine bloodwork in regards to my thyroid and Vitamin D levels and they are adding a blood pregnancy test on top of it just to rule that possibility out... or confirm it. If for some reason I am pregnant, they will need to know as my thyroid and Vitamin D levels will need to be stabilized accordingly. I should know the results by tomorrow. My doctor said that she thinks that my body is just trying to regulate itself after being on BC, and I'm inclined to believe her as I truly don't think there's any way in Hades I could be pregnant, but there's still always that little nagging voice of doubt hanging in limbo. Fingers crossed for tomorrow that they find out everything is okay and that Baby Andresen #3 is still just a thought at this moment in time.

I swear I have complete faith in NFP, but I wish my body would cooperate!! It's so perplexing to have no idea what the heck is going on with you... Argh!

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