We got a call around 7:30am on Friday (the 21st) that Samantha was having contractions, but they weren't consistent. From there on out we were on baby watch. I thought for sure Friday would be the day and I was hoping that she would be born on the 21st since that's the day I picked in the family poll. Plus, I thought it would be cool for her to have her "own day" as a birthday and not have to "share" with another family member.
Samantha's labor didn't ramp up until late Friday night, so by then we pretty much knew she wouldn't arrive until Saturday. I finally settled into bed with Jaxson around 11:30 and 45 minutes later we got a call from Tommy saying to come to the hospital-- Samantha was 9cm dilated. Being as we live about 45 minutes from where they delivered, we were in a mad dash to get there in time (especially with 2 tired kiddos in tow). We were minutes away from the hospital when we got the text saying she was pushing...and made it within 5-10 minutes of the birth of our niece.
Samantha's sister came out to share the news of her birth which was bittersweet at first--- she was here and mostly healthy, but she came out "sunny side up" which meant an episiotomy for Samantha, the use of the vacuum to help deliver (which they wanted to avoid as that happened with Brayden as well), and for a brief moment the oxygen was cut off to baby Lexi which caused her heart rate to decel and she was almost whisked off to the NICU. Again that was all too familiar for Tommy and Samantha and something they had hoped to avoid this time around. Luckily, when Sam's sister returned moments later, we got the thumbs up that Lexi was okay.
We got to see her briefly before returning home to get some sleep, but we did spend some time with the new family at home yesterday. She looks really similar to her big brother (who takes after his mom) but she also has some of her own unique features. She seems to have more of the Andresen genes than Brayden does. Jayden loves his new cousin and gave her a bunch of kisses. Jaxson was off in la-la land as he didn't really take any notice. As for me? I forget how small they are!! This also has amplified the fact that Aaron would really love a baby girl too.
Without further ado...here she is!! Welcome to the world, Baby Lexi!
Alexis Marie Andresen
May 22, 2010
1:09 am
7 lbs. 12 oz.
20.5 in

Two new nieces in one week... how cool is that?? :)
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