Seriously, if everything could go did. One thing that you have to understand is that pictures are very important to me. They tell a story and last forever. If you have nothing else, pictures can say a thousand words and are a wonderful way to solidify your memories; proof that things happened, to help you remember the time gone by as the moments begin to fade. My whole family thinks I'm crazy that I get pictures so often, but I want to look back years from now and relive those years with my boys when they were young...and maybe someday pass pictures down to them so that they have stories to tell their children from where they came from. So, yeah, they are important to me and I'm pretty anal about it. Picture day is a big deal for me, but it also always turns into a big headache. I should have known that Saturday would NOT be an exception.
So, originally our picture appointment was at 4:00. Lately, both of our kids have been on nap/sleep strike and it took us longer than expected to get them to bed. I had left with Jaxson to go to Value Village to see if I could find some cute clothes to wear for pictures since my wardrobe is so lame. Jaxson got part of his nap from sleeping in the car, but then was awake by around 2:30. Jayden was supposed to be in bed for his nap at 11:30. I get home by 12:30 to find that not only is Jayden awake, but that Aaron was scrubbing his carpet. Yeah, our sweet two year old boy decided to rip off his poopy diaper and smear it into his carpet because... "I not like da wear it," he says. Me: "Oh, you don't like the icky poo poo?". Jayden: " Yeah, I no like da wear the poo poo, Mama. It icky!" Only good thing from this? Proof that he's getting closer to wanting to potty train. He's getting good at telling us at times when he needs to go potty (which he will actually go) and he hates being poopy so he tells us right away so we can change him. Anyway, back on track.
So, we also had to get haircuts. I always look like the fat and frumpy mom/housewife in our pictures because I'm always so focused on getting everyone else ready and out the door that I neglect myself. I don't want to look back at pictures and feel like the fat and frumpy mom. I decided to spice my hair up a little bit, and we had to trim up Jayden's shag (seriously that kid's hair grows soooo fast...he should donate some to his little brother, haha!). That also took longer than expected, so I called the photo studio to see if we could shift our appointment back. They said they could get us in at 5. Cool, or so I thought. We still didn't get there until like 5:30 because of traffic and they had already closed, but were waiting for us. That made me feel like crap and I was already stressed about being late. I HATE being late to everything. Another of my pet peeves.
Then as soon as we showed up my husband said, "You aren't going to be happy...". Which I answer with a "Why, what happened?". Yeah, my dear sweet husband FORGOT to change our two year old's diaper and he peed through his diaper and pants and onto his car seat...and we had no extra clothes for him. So, he ended up taking pictures with pee-soaked jeans. You think that's it? No, then despite naps which were not long enough, both boys were uncooperative and cranky. Jaxson's teething so he's screaming and drooling all over his clothes and I couldn't get either boy to sit still long enough to take a decent picture where there wasn't crying involved. Then, they found these Easter egg props and both boys had to play with them, stick them in their mouths, throw them, and fight over them... We managed to get ONE shot at a family picture, so we just had to take what we got.
Although crying pictures were not what I envisioned, some of them did turn out to be pretty funny. And maybe one of these days I can get both boys to hold still long enough to get a professional picture of them together that I can put in my cute "My Boys" picture frame. Or learn to not stress out so much about something I have no control over. Ha, a mom can dream, right? Anyway, here are the shots we were able to get. We didn't order every pose, but we did get most of them as it was kind of slim pickings.

Here's our lone family shot. It would have been great to have Jaxson not chewing on his shirt, and for my face to not look so chubby with a cheesy grin, but oh well.

Funny thing about this is that I couldn't get Jayden to hold still without struggle for his two year pictures (we still got great pics) but when it came time for Jaxson's pictures, Jayden wanted to steal the show and get his picture taken. We couldn't burst his bubble so he got his picture taken too... :)

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