Today is a wonderful Monday; it was the best Sunday of 2009...and every April 5th from here on out will be a joyous day; it's the day I welcomed a son. How could any day be better than that? And how lucky am I that I have not one, but two special days of celebration for two sons whom God saw fit to bless me with? I feel so loved and am so grateful that I was chosen to be their mother and them my sons.
I cannot believe it's been a year (almost down to the hour!) that I wrote about being in labor with Jaxson, not realizing that his birth was only a quick 2 hours away. Or that it's been 364 days since I proudly announced that he arrived and shared the first glimpse of my son. Boy, how much a year can change things, and how fast it truly flies. I'm still in awe.
At 6:13pm on a sunny Sunday afternoon, the opening day of baseball (as Daddy will remind me), our 7 pound, 18.5 inch long, blond-fuzzed, blue-eyed "Little Man" came into this world. Now he is a walking, babbling, one-year old who loves to snuggle with Mommy, romp with his best friend/big brother, dance to music, laugh and love. He is so much more than I could ever write about, and along with his big brother, he has truly touched my heart.
Happy 1st Birthday my sweet Jaxson. I love you very much and I am so very proud of you.
Love, Mommy

April 2009
This past Saturday, we celebrated Jaxson's first birthday with a circus-themed party out at my sister's house in Gold Bar. I'm humbled by all of the family and friends who trekked down there and came out to celebrate this special day with us. It was a great party with good food, cake, and presents. Lots of laughs and lots of fun.
Tonight, in honor of Jax's real birthday, we are going out to dinner at Red Robin so he can have a sundae and they can sing to him.
Tomorrow he has his one year checkup so we can see how big he is.
Then, finally, this Saturday we have his one year pictures which were rescheduled from two weeks ago when we all fell ill.
Please enjoy some pictures from Jaxson's first birthday!!
Cake (and cupcakes!)
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