My birthday was on Tuesday and I'm officially 24 years old. Yay for me, I can legally rent a car in a year. LOL. We wen't out to dinner at the Spaghetti Factory (I got the chicken penne...YUM!) with my mom, uncle, sister and her family...and of course my hubs and the kiddos. It was nice to get everyone together. I got the Charmed TV series and Twilight on Blu-Ray from Aaron as gifts which will come in handy since we don't have cable... I'll share pictures if I ever get them uploaded from my camera. Seems to be a recurring theme in my life, right? Welcome to having two young children!! :)
Another update on Stellan... not sure what's going on with him still, but he seems to be stabilizing a bit. I know he could still use your prayers though.
Speaking of prayers... I've also found out that my cousin, Shawn, is in a lot of trouble. Both him and my step-brother, Cory, have struggled with drugs in the past. Luckily, Cory learned his lesson before he got in too deep and has been clean for almost 6 years. I cannot say the same for Shawn. He's been in and out of rehab and it's only gotten worse... he's past the "gateway drugs" and is on to the heavy stuff, the bad heroin. I knew he had a problem, but I didn't realize how much I was in the dark on all of this. I saw him a year and a half ago at Cory's wedding and he looked like hell then; face sunken in, stick thin, pale... just not healthy AT ALL. From what my dad says, he looks even worse death. And he's headed in that direction fast if something doesn't happen. Members of our family are staging an intervention this weekend as a last ditch attempt to get Shawn (and keep him) in a year-long inpatient rehab facility to try to kick his habits before they claim his life. I'm very scared for him and his family. Especially since he has a daughter, Ava, who will be a year old in just a few weeks (both he and Ava's mom were on drugs at the time of her pregnancy and birth so they don't have custody, but still...). My hope for him is that he may be able to get well, get past his addiction, and be a healthy presence in his daughter's life before it's too late. Please pray for Shawn that he gets the help he needs and that he can fight this and win. I remember the person he used to be and now he's unrecognizable...and that breaks my heart. Please also pray for my aunt and family as they are understandably torn, confused, and hurt about all of this.
On a happier note, here are the pictures from Jaxson's 3 month photo shoot that I promised last week. I've been busy as a bee at work the past few days, so I really haven't had the time. Enjoy! I know I did... he's one darn cute kiddo!!

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