A story of one ordinary mom's adventures in raising three young boys and enjoying life as the Queen of her castle full of princes!
{I just love his big, beautiful eyes...}
{Posing for Auntie Samantha!!}
{Sticking his tongue out, haha!}
{My happy baby! Oh, and I LOVE this Onesie! :) Boob Man indeed...}
{Look!! He can lift up his head! So strong already...}
{The jumperoo has quickly become his favorite "toy". Jax loves standing up!}
{Just days old cuddling with Daddy!}
{All swaddled in his ducky blankie...}
{Drying off after his first bath at home}
{Just relaxing...look at those big eyes!}
{ALL SMILES!! Such a happy boy!}
{Mommy and Jax saying hi to the camera!}
{Smiling with his Daddy!}
{ He loved crawling in the cat carrier!}
{Jayden, the caged animal (he really can be an animal at times!)}
{Passed out in the stroller...play hard, crash hard :)}
{Trying on Grandma's sunglasses!}
{Relaxing in the baby swing...he likes it more than Jaxson!}
{All dressed up at Niki and Greg's wedding in June}
{Jayden, the wrestler of rottweilers!}
{Our goofy boy taking his nightly bath after a very messy dinner!}
Happy Friday all! Have a fantastic weekend!
{Jaxson slept for a while and enjoyed the shade...}
{...while Aaron and Jayden walked along the beach hand-in-hand.}
{Jayden started to test out the water...}
{...and Daddy gave him a jump-start...weee!!}
{Jaxson woke up to bask in the sun with Mom...}
{...while Jayden played in the sand!}
{Then we ended the beautiful day with a happy family photo :)}
{Gramma Joan came with us to see the wildlife too!}
{Aaron and Jaxson at the "Splash Pad"...too cute!}
{This was adorable...both boys giving each other kisses! :)}
{Jayden and Mommy...don't mind my ugly one-piece swimsuit. Yuck!}