Well, it’s official… Jayden has the chicken pox. His doctor said that it’s a less contagious form of it (not the typical one) and that it probably won't get any worse than what we see now. He broke out in red bumps all over his arms and legs and some on his face as of yesterday and they may start to "crust" over, but they shouldn't get all filled with fluid like they usually do. He said he could be contagious for the next 5 days… after 5 days he’s not at risk to passing it on to anyone.
If I have Jaxson in the next 5 days then Jayden will not be allowed in the hospital, so now I’m keeping my legs tightly crossed and praying Jaxson stays in until next Monday. Luckily, since I've had it and am immune both Jaxson and I will be just fine. Jaxson will still continue to get the antibodies from me through my breast milk and by then Jayden won't be contagious anyway. However, he can't be at the hospital because of the other mothers and babies, so I'm really hoping that Jaxson doesn't come before Monday the 6th so that Jayden can actually meet him in the hospital.
I was going to have my doctor strip my membranes on Friday at my appointment, but I will have her hold off until my following appointment on Monday the 6th if I make it that far. As much as I am ready to not be pregnant anymore, I really want Jayden to be a part of his birth and not miss it because of this. It just sucks... Of all times for him to get sick, you know? And with the chicken pox nonetheless. Because of the carelessness of another parent from daycare, I'm faced with this possible scenario and it really doesn't sit well with me. This is a once-in-a-lifetime thing and it's getting screwed up. Blah.
Now I have to draft up a Plan B for Jayden's care because both of my original options are scared shitless at the fact that my kid is a walking virus and they don't want to watch him...even after the 5 day contagious period is up. I don't have anyone else that can...and everyone else that could already has kids. So, now my only option is for Aaron's mom to watch him during my labor which would mean she'd miss the birth if it was within 5 days because she wouldn't be able to bring him to the hospital...so that really sucks.
So, please....vibes for me that Jaxson stays put for another 5-6 days and that Jayden is able to get this out of his system soon. AND NO MORE SICKNESS FOR MY BOY! Dang kid has had 3 ear infections, mild pneumonia, pink eye, and now chicken pox since late January. He deserves a friggin break. I'm contemplating not leaving him in daycare for a while until all the sickness is gone because next thing I know he's going to come home with ebola... :/ Just kidding, but you get the idea...
This sucks.
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