Aaron and I went to see the new Friday the 13th movie on opening night (Friday). Not exactly my choice of a Valentine's Date movie, but Aaron and I are far from normal in that aspect. I didn't watch most of it since I don't do well with bloody movies... I do like thrillers, but the older I get the more "slashers" freak me out. All they really are is a pathetic excuse for no-name actresses to flash their big ol boobies around on a screen (so they get more $$ than they would normally if they kept their clothes on) right before they get hacked in a million pieces. Flashing boobs in these movies is an automatic death sentence. See a naked chick? Yup...she's gonna die. I mean, it was a good movie (and Aaron is a HUGE Friday the 13th aficionado) and I LOVED having some one on one time with Aaron since we rarely have a night away from the Punky. However, it's my duty to bash non-chick flick movies. :)
Next morning, Aaron woke up and took the car to get the oil changed while I stayed with Jayden at home. Then to my surprise his mom showed up and said that Aaron had told her it was an emergency and to get to the house right away...freaked me out because I had NO idea what he was talking about. What emergency? Just then he comes through the door with roses, chocolates, and cards for the both of us. Too sweet! Jayden even got Valentines Day gifts this year. Grandma Joan bought him a spinning top toy which he loves, Daddy got him a Disney movie that he and I grew up on (Oliver and Company), and he got tons of Valentines from the kids at daycare AND from Uncle Tommy, Aunt Samantha, and his cousin Brayden. Then, we met up with my mom and 2 of my sister's kids (ages 4 and 10) at Denny's for a pre-ultrasound breakfast. It was rushed as we were running late, but we still got there with enough time to see our little man on the screen.
So... for the ULTRASOUND update. She starts out the ultrasound in 2D checking baby's position before starting the 3D portion. I was just joking in the lobby about how he'd better turn and how he's still transverse which is completely what I'd expected her to say. So, I asked her "He's still transverse, right?". And her next words completely caught me off guard... "Nope...he's head down". HEAD DOWN!! YAY!! Oh, I could have jumped up and kissed her I was so happy! I had thought he might be head down because I was feeling movement in different places, but I wasn't holding my breath. I felt heavier on my right side, felt rolling up top, barely any movement on the mid left side, and more cervical pressure. It is confirmed! Head down on my right with his feet up top (explained the hard rolling). I never felt a flip, but there was a 48 hour window where I had almost non-stop movement and so I can only guess he flipped then. The tech also said that the likelihood of him flipping back to a transverse or breech position at this point is pretty rare, so it looks like most likely he's there to stay. Oh! Music to my ears!!
The clarity/brightness of the pictures didn't seem as great this time around, and since we got good face shots 3 weeks ago, we got more body shots this time. He's MOST DEFINITELY a boy, and he has long fingers. Oh, and he has hair!!! She couldn't see it at the 29 week ultrasound, but we did get to see his hair this time. And you could tell that he does have more facial definition...he's packin' on the baby fat. :) Here are some of the pictures we got. Please excuse the blurriness. Again we don't have a scanner so these are just pictures I took of the actual pictures with my crappy cell phone.
{ It's blurry, but the fuzzy white stuff to the right on the top is his HAIR!! :) }

{ There are his LONG fingers grabbing at his toes! }

{ Close up of his foot and leg }

{Blurry again, but the tech said he likes to suck on his arm, so we shouldn't be surprised if he has a temporary "hickey" when he's born... }

{ As if we needed any more evidence that he's a boy...right?? }
After the ultrasound, things got a little misconstrued with my mom so we ended up taking my sister's kids back to our place right after the ultrasound. Apparently my mom forgot that Aaron and I had plans to go to downtown Seattle for a while (she claims I never told her--- it's usually MY fault when it comes to my mom) and then we were going to return to her house afterwards to pick the kids up. Instead she assumed I was taking them right after the ultrasound and she went and made plans to spend V-Day with a guy she's never even met... Fun. So, I got no alone time with my husband on Valentine's Day which made us both pretty mad for a while, but oh well. We got over it. So, everyone came over to our house to hang out for a while and then we shooed everyone out so we could get Jayden down for a nap. Meanwhile, the older kids and I made chocolate cupcakes. Then my niece and I started feeling sick... and I ended up throwing up the rest of Saturday night and into Sunday morning. Not fun. I'm not sure if it was a stomach bug or a mild case of food poisoning, but whatever it was sucked. I'm fine now though and I didn't get dehydrated so I'm okay.
Sunday was spent recuperating, but it was still hectic caring for 3 kids practically by myself since Aaron typically gets stressed and overwhelmed easily and just closes himself off. Have I mentioned I need a vacation?? :) Anyway, the day consisted of more baking... we made a cake and these cookie/brownie bars. Please... no more sugar! I seriously have donuts, brownies, cake, and chocolate galore at my place!! AAAH!!! Then we went to the park for a while to let the kids play... Jayden LOVED the slide so much that he'd get to the bottom and want to climb back up to the top to go again. After that we left for McKenna's 10th birthday party. She went bowling for her birthday...and I bowled a whopping 142! I guess I got good luck from the baby belly... my best bowling day is usually a 110 maximum. After stuffing my face with more bad food like pizza, nachos, cake, and onion rings we finally left to go home and relax. Now I'm thinking I need to eat better. Ugh, so much bad food...
All in all it was a good weekend, but I'm so glad that Aaron and I don't have plans next weekend. We need some detox time. As much as we can get in our crazy, hectic lives anyway... :)
Hope you all are having a great Monday!
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