Doctor takes a quick look at him and immediately determines that he has an ear infection in BOTH ears and he's starting to develop a mild case of pneumonia. :( My poor little Punky! I felt so awful that he's been dealing with this for so long and I'm just now getting him to the doctor! I knew I should have followed my instinct and taken him in weeks ago! The doctor said that he's a brave and strong little boy to have been sick for so long and only be showing mild symptoms...he's such a trooper! So, at least now I know there's a light at the end of the tunnel. He's now on amoxicillin three times a day for 10 days and I'm already seeing small improvements. He fought me last night going to bed, but once he was out...he was out. And he slept all night long (despite the fact that he's still sleeping with Mommy and Daddy, but I'm cherishing the extra cuddle time since he's sick...). And he takes his meds like a champ!! He doesn't fight me or make faces...he actually sucks the medicine out of the dropper! What a great little boy! :) Aw, I just love him.
So, keep our little Punky in your thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. Poor kid has already suffered too long! :(
On a good note, we went out shopping on Monday night to get everything we need for baby Jaxson (and we got Jay a couple things too) and while we were in Babies R Us, one of the ladies from the Kiddie Kandids booth there approached Aaron and offered to take free pictures of Jayden as a way to get word out about their studio. So, Aaron took them up on their offer and we got some free shots of him. He actually did really well! Last time we took him in for his 1 year pictures to JCPenney and he cried. I think he hated the lights and the photographer's high pitched squealing. The shots turned out pretty good, but they are still more expensive than JCPenney so we will probably continue to go there. We are Portrait Club members and the setting at JCP is more private...especially for the maternity shots that I want. Anyway... I just thought I'd share the new pictures. He's such a little boy now...he looks less baby-like and he looks almost identical to his Daddy at this age! Enjoy!

Happy Wednesday!
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