How far along?: 29w2d
Total weight gain: Still around 18-19 pounds.
How big is baby?: Baby is about 2.5 pounds and 15 inches long... about the size of a butternut squash.
Maternity clothes?: Yeah, but they are mostly maternity clothes that could double as regular clothes. Long t-shirts, casual pants, etc.
Stretch marks?: Still about the same. I can't really tell if my old ones are stretching or not. My belly itches sometimes though.
Sleep?: Pretty good other than the fact that Jaxson thinks that 6:00am is an appropriate wake-up time.
Best moment this week?: Best moment(s) are also the worst... Watching the kids play in the snow despite my aversion to snow and being able to work from home in my pajamas this week despite the chaos of working from home with 2 young kids running around trying to play with my laptop. Oh, and another good moment this week was finding out that I passed my GD test...yay!
Movement?: Still about the same. He's still moving, but it's slowed down as he runs out of room. Instead of feeling gentle movements, I'm getting harsh elbows, fists, and knees now.
Food cravings?: Oddly enough I'm craving Wild Cherry Pepsi lately. I usually don't drink soda, especially caffeinated soda, but I just cannot help myself lately.
Labor signs?: No, just the usual (but very strong) Braxton Hicks.
Belly button in or out?: Still in.
What I miss: Eating a normal meal that isn't followed by gobbling Tums. I swear that EVERYTHING gives me heartburn and it's awful. :(
What I'm looking forward to: Tomorrow is Thanksgiving!! I'm really looking forward to spending quality time with family and eating some delicious food. :)
Weekly Wisdom: Think safety first in this weather. It's not easy being pregnant in the middle of winter. Make sure that you wear warm clothes, shoes with good tread for grip & stability, watch where you walk, & don't drive in conditions you are uncomfortable with or may compromise your safety.
Milestone: Muscles and lungs are continuing to mature as the head grows bigger to allow more room for baby's growing brain. Baby's bones are soaking up a lot of calcium this trimester as well.

Total weight gain: Still around 18-19 pounds.
How big is baby?: Baby is about 2.5 pounds and 15 inches long... about the size of a butternut squash.
Maternity clothes?: Yeah, but they are mostly maternity clothes that could double as regular clothes. Long t-shirts, casual pants, etc.
Stretch marks?: Still about the same. I can't really tell if my old ones are stretching or not. My belly itches sometimes though.
Sleep?: Pretty good other than the fact that Jaxson thinks that 6:00am is an appropriate wake-up time.
Best moment this week?: Best moment(s) are also the worst... Watching the kids play in the snow despite my aversion to snow and being able to work from home in my pajamas this week despite the chaos of working from home with 2 young kids running around trying to play with my laptop. Oh, and another good moment this week was finding out that I passed my GD test...yay!
Movement?: Still about the same. He's still moving, but it's slowed down as he runs out of room. Instead of feeling gentle movements, I'm getting harsh elbows, fists, and knees now.
Food cravings?: Oddly enough I'm craving Wild Cherry Pepsi lately. I usually don't drink soda, especially caffeinated soda, but I just cannot help myself lately.
Labor signs?: No, just the usual (but very strong) Braxton Hicks.
Belly button in or out?: Still in.
What I miss: Eating a normal meal that isn't followed by gobbling Tums. I swear that EVERYTHING gives me heartburn and it's awful. :(
What I'm looking forward to: Tomorrow is Thanksgiving!! I'm really looking forward to spending quality time with family and eating some delicious food. :)
Weekly Wisdom: Think safety first in this weather. It's not easy being pregnant in the middle of winter. Make sure that you wear warm clothes, shoes with good tread for grip & stability, watch where you walk, & don't drive in conditions you are uncomfortable with or may compromise your safety.
Milestone: Muscles and lungs are continuing to mature as the head grows bigger to allow more room for baby's growing brain. Baby's bones are soaking up a lot of calcium this trimester as well.
Hi Shannon! My doctor just told me to try xantax.. I'd give that a whirl for the heartburn! I still can't believe that we are both having boys again... I mean what are the odds?