Also to come in a separate post is information about the ultrasound, gender reveal party, and what Little Sprout is!!
19 Weeks
How far along?: 19 weeks
Total weight gain: I gained a few pounds then lost it so I still think around 8-9 pounds.
How big is baby?: About the size of a mango or heirloom tomato (6 inches & 8.5 ounces)
Maternity clothes?: Yup, still a must.
Stretch marks?: Still no new ones that I can tell.
Sleep?: Thanks to the Vicodin and narcotics for the migraine, yes. Otherwise, no.
Movement?: Still wiggling. Even Vicodin doesn't slow this one down.
Food cravings?: Yea, anything would be great. Can't keep down food & nothing sounds good.
Labor signs?: No, but I'd rather be in labor than deal with this migraine another day.
Belly button in or out?: In.
What I miss: My family (quarantined away from them), my sanity, and not having a migraine.
What I'm looking forward to: The day I'm not in pain anymore.
Weekly wisdom: Ha, yeah... don't get migraines for over a week. They suck and lead to big medical bills.
Milestone: No clue... I'm still about halfway.
20 Weeks
How far along?: 20 weeks
Total weight gain: Back up to around 10-11 pounds gained or so.
How big is baby?: According to the ultrasound, right on track. Babycenter says that it's about the size of a cantaloupe or length of a banana (6.5 inches & 10.5 ounces)
Maternity clothes?: Yup.
Stretch marks: Same as last week.
Sleep?: Much better. Still need Vicodin some days, but almost back to normal.
Best moment this week?: The relief from the headaches & seeing Little Sprout again.
Movement?: Still shakin' & groovin' all day long...
Food cravings?: No. Just being able to eat without puking is a blessing.
Labor signs?: No, but I did have my first Braxton Hicks this week that I could feel.
Belly button in or out?: Still in.
What I miss: Being able to go up a flight of stairs without huffing.
What I'm looking forward to: Gender reveal party on Saturday!
Weekly Wisdom: I think I'm fresh out of wisdom this week... not enough time to think I'm so busy!!
Milestone: Halfway done... yay!!
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