Time is going too fast! Yesterday at the doctor's office, I totally forgot that Jaxson was over a year old! They told me to bring him back at a year and a half and I was like, "Wait, but that's really far away!" Um, actually it's only 3 months away... doh! I'm sure that my preggo brain is partially to blame for this (I'm seriously forgetting the smallest things these days...) but even so, it seems like my boys are getting so big before my eyes.
Jaxson had his 15 month check up yesterday and he did really well. Poor guy had to get 2 shots yesterday, but he cried only for a few moments. I'm proud of my little trooper! His big brother came with us to the appointment and knew as soon as we got there that his baby brother was going to get "owwies" but that they would give him some cool "bunny ban-aids" (they have Bugs Bunny Band-Aids). Everything is going right on track. He's still a small little punkin, but growing just on his curve so they are not worried at all. The doctor was even impressed with his vocabulary since most 15 month olds should have a 4-10 word vocabulary. Jaxson can say: mama, dada, babo (bottle), bibi (binky), beekie (blanky), tree, uh-oh, cat, teetee (kitty), dog, ball, but-ball (football), basketball, yaya (Nana), stop, no, up, down, yeah, hot, bath, my-min (vitamin)... and I'm sure there's more that I just can't think of at the moment. That's at least 22 words! He's a talker!! :)
I read over the sheet that the doctor's office gave us for his milestones from 15-18 months and he's doing pretty much all of them... except he hasn't mastered the stairs yet. He tries, but fails miserably. He definitely tested that out A LOT over our vacation. He'll get the hang of it soon though.
Seems like he's also going to be built almost exactly like his Daddy too: tall and skinny! Here were his 15 month stats:
Weight: 21 pounds, 4 ounces (9th percentile)
Height: 32.5 inches (87th percentile)
Head circumference: 45.75 cm (14th percentile)
He's wearing 12-18 month tops and 12 month pants. He's got short legs and a long torso, haha! I can't wait to see what all changes and how much he'll grow over the next 3 months. He's getting so big and changing in the blink of an eye...
Oh, how they grow!
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