So, we went in for our 3D/4D ultrasound today and it went pretty well. They started the ultrasound in 2D and we found out that Jax is still transverse. His head is over on my right side and his feet are on my left. I was hoping that he would be head down like his brother was by 28 weeks, but I'm confident he'll turn in time. Oh well. We invited all the grandparents (my dad and little brothers weren't able to make it) and our soon to be sister in law to view it with us. The room was really nice. Big comfortable bed-like table for me to relax on and a big couch and chairs for the visitors right in front of the big screen.
At first everything was working well and then the screen went blank. For some reason they were having technical difficulties and the connection from the ultrasound machine to the big screen wasn't working correctly so everyone had to gather in front of the machine to see the ultrasound that way. It wasn't ideal but it worked. So, they continued the ultrasound and she did segments in both 2D and 3D. Unfortunately, Jax had his hands up in front of his face and over his head so she had to turn me at some pretty tricky angles in order to get good pictures of his face. Then we saw him in 3D for the first time and I have to say that it brought tears to my eyes. He's so precious!!! That was my little boy!! And he looks so much like his big brother! The tech said that he's a baldie (doesn't surprise me...I was!) and that everything looks great. She couldn't technically do any diagnosis since the ultrasound is mainly for entertainment purposes, but since she does do diagnostic ultrasounds as her primary job she did assure us that everything looks completely normal and all of his organs are functioning perfectly. We also had her check to make sure he is still a "he"...no doubts there. We got yet another great picture of his "turtle" so I'm not concerned about having to go out and buy any pink. :) We could see him open and close his eyes and move his hands around by his face and suck on the fluid. He even stuck his tongue out at one point. He's just so handsome! I can't wait to meet him! He looks so much like Jayden. His nose is a little bigger than Jayden's and so far his cheeks are less chubby. He has dimples like me, and he has the pointy "Farley" chin. He also likes to grab on to things. At the beginning of the ultrasound he was actually grabbing at his feet!!
So, because of the technical issues that we had with not being able to watch it on the big screen as originally planned and not having the DVD work as it was supposed to (it's not set to music as it should be), they are giving us a complimentary redo ultrasound in 3 weeks on Valentine's Day! I have a date with one of the other boys in my life...what a special gift!!! Hopefully everything will work better then AND Jax will not be as shy and stubborn like his Mommy... :) The tech was really great though... she snuck us extra pictures, so I feel extra grateful and blessed on top of all that to be able to get another scan. They've been very accommodating to us.
I took pictures of the color 3D pictures they gave us, but they are blurry because we don't have a scanner at home. I had to take pictures on my phone and email them to myself. They actually were a lot more clear in person. So, without further adieu, please enjoy the pictures of our handsome little boy, Jaxson Robert, at the top of the post.
More updates to come soon... I have an appointment on the 29th.
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